Maralyn Dyck
Box 476
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Email: pmdyck@gmail.com

I first discovered I had SLE (Lupus)in 1985. At first it wasn't too serious; over the years it quickly deteriorated. Suddenly, they were calling it Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. Sounded ominous and wasn't much fun. For years I have been on fairly heavy medication. Soon I was also diagnosed with Osteoperosis and Sclerderma of the Esophagus. That was followed this last summer by a sudden climb in my blood pressure.

I have a good doctor and a good specialist, but neither one could seem to find a reason for the high blood pressure. Twice my medication was doubled but each time, after a few days, the high blood pressure climbed again. I was getting pretty exasperated and tired of so much more medication.

Last September I met Vivian Bruck (See Testimony No. 1) who recognized my symptoms as extreme low blood pressure that was going berserk! She introduced me to the home treatment described on this web site and what a difference...so fast! Within three days I dropped all my high blood pressure medicine and have now had normal blood pressure for almost two months. It is such a simple process; I thought that it couldn't possibly be real or do anything, but I went along with it and was thrilled I did. I use the 6-stroke series "A" once every day now and that is it. It is keeping my blood pressure normal and I feel much better. My reynauds is steadily improving. As my blood improves, I am sure my health will, too. I found this treatment so exciting that I decided to share it with the whole world! That is the reason behind this whole web site. If you have any questions, just send me an email and I will do my best to answer as quickly as possible.
NOTE: It is now eleven years later, and I have been Lupus-free for the last seven years! I have the Lord, Mannatech and Cool Strokes to thank for all of it!

Home Page | Testimony No. 1 | Testimony No. 3 | Testimony No. 4 | Diagnosis and Treatment