Those COOL strokes!

This section will present the principles of the therapeutic use of cold applications in correcting chronic hypotension (low blood pressure) of the arteries. This condition has responded well to the proper use of cold. These patients require the stimulus of cold properly applied to affect the spinal centers that control arterial tension. Full instructions for self-diagnosis, treatment and diagrams are included.



Frederick Erdman in his book The Treatment of Low Blood Pressure states,"There are two kinds of high and two kinds of low pressure." If the arteries relax too much, at first the blood pressure falls, but if the heart is strong enough it may sooner or later begin to work harder and the extra heart action may push the blood pressure up very high. This, however, is a deceptive indication because the arteries are still relaxed."

These hypotension patients may be injured by any of the methods of treatment generally used for hypertension. In regular hypertension the arteries are overactive and require heat and massage to calm them down, not cold.

Some people believe that the stimulus described herein is too simplistic to accomplish anything, but it really works. Try it!

1. Diagnosis

Some symptoms of hypotension:
Chronic low blood pressure for many years
A chronic low blood person who suddenly develops high readings

Poor circulation in hands and feet
Feel worse after a nap instead of rested
Wake up feeling tired after a full night's sleep
Cannot handle hot temperatures well
Hot baths leave you tired and physically drained
Fatigue - the rate of circulation and, therefore, the rate of recuperation is retarded in proportion to the fatigue
Your thinking may be foggy and concentration difficult
Diets may fail to raise your blood pressure

The list goes on but these are some of the main symptoms of hypotension. DO NOT use the following treatment if you have normal blood pressure or have high blood pressure (hypertension) because it will make it worse!

Following is a list of dangerous treatments for people with low blood pressure:

If the blood vessels of the body as a whole are too much relaxed, injury may result from:
Sun lamps
Vasodilating drugs
Hot water bottle
Electric pad on the stomach or spine
The "rest cure" - blood pressure has been observed to drop considerably below normal after just a five-minute nap!
Low altitude - the relaxing effect of sea level will add to the low tension and undermine the strength. Cool breezes and swimming may help to counteract the effect of the low altitude.
Any types of warm enemas and colonic irrigations
Clothing that is too warm - may in a few minutes "relax" the abdominal vessels and cause many nervous symptoms, even fainting or nausea
Strenuous exercise - may overstrain the already depleted cells
Low blood pressure produces the worst possible circulation of blood and therefore the poorest nutrition of the brain. As a result, any degree of nervous or mental distress or disease may result. In some cases a patient may be prostrated by the effort to read a few lines or to concentrate for a few
minutes. Many "relaxed" people, as their strength failed, have been accused of laziness or lack of will power, whereas their most desperate efforts have produced only increased prostration.
Anything that shocks the system/arterial nerves "relaxes" arterial tone and lowers blood pressure, such as, surgery, traumatic news, plunge in a very cold lake, overwork and resultant over fatigue, many strong foods and medications
Diets may fail to raise the blood pressure simply because the rate of the flow of the blood may be so low that insufficient nutrition reaches the tissues

"The most serious aspect of this low tension condition is the fact that if any treatment happens to leave a patient with a sufficiently poor tone of the arteries, he may gradually run down for years, and finally develop some organic disease. Low tension, which is the real cause, is rarely suspected. As the patient becomes worse, the resulting symptoms usually receive all the attention, and nothing is done for the failing circulation that may be the cause of all the symptoms." Frederick Erdman in The Treatment of Low Blood Pressure, Page 6

In Shafer's Physiology, Page 80, it says, "A hot bath diminishes and a cool bath increases the blood pressure." The use of heat for hypertension and cold for hypotension is thus justified.

In Leviticus 17:11 we find, "The life of the flesh is in the blood."

A.T. Still, one of the greatest authorities on this subject, said, "The reign of the artery is supreme."

Both Green's and Howell's Physiologies sum it up, "A tissue functions in proportion to its blood."

Frederick Erdman in his book The Treatment of Low Blood Pressure, copyrighted in 1939, says,"Many 'relaxed' people survive the wrong treatment for years and may even seem to be better for a time. But this is because the heart rises to the emergency to save their lives and is thus greatly overworked."

The knowledge for treating "relaxed" people has been known for many years, yet no one seems to care about it! Many doctors say that if your blood pressure is low that's okay! It's NOT okay! How far can a car travel on four flat or partially flat tires?

For top performance, blood pressure and the rate of blood flow must be normal�not low or high! To have the best rate of flow the pulse should be between 60 and 72 and the blood pressure should be around 120 systolic and 80.

There is no need to make a plea as to the importance of the circulation.

For example, the rate of the flow of blood to the thyroid determines the health of the thyroid; likewise, the lining of the intestines, the strength of the lungs, hair, eyes, etc. As to the thyroid gland, we may have excessive secretion producing hyperthyroidism or lessened secretion producing hypothyroidism. We may also have congestion of the lining of the intestines, or of the lungs, which contribute to colitis, asthma, TB, etc. One of the most disturbing symptoms which results from congestion of the lining of the stomach and intestines is an excessive formation of gas--carbon dioxide gas which is normally distributed throughout the stomach and the intestines which is responsible for the formation of excessive gas.

With the importance of the circulation in mind, it is necessary for us to normalize the circulation as quickly and constantly as possible. There are some people who have a normal circulation. These are well people. There are others who have one of two types of abnormal circulation, i.e., those with what we call arterial hypertension (high) or arterial hypotension (low) of the arteries.

There are, in the spinal cord, two types of nerves controlling the arteries--the vasoconstrictors and the vasodilators. These control the muscles of the arterial walls. They produce a pumping action along the walls of the arteries. It is possible for one of the types of nerves to be stronger than the other type. If the vasodilators are stronger than the vasoconstrictors, we have a condition called hypotension (low blood pressure). If the vasoconstrictors are stronger than the vasodilators, we have a condition called hypertension (high blood pressure). Anything that will relax tension would relieve high blood pressure. Most medication and most physical treatments do this, and the people with this problem are receiving help on all sides. Approximately seven out of ten persons are in this hypertension class.

Our particular concern is for those who have hypotension, or low blood pressure--those in whom the vasodilators are overbalancing the vasoconstrictors. Anything that relaxes tension makes them worse. They are the people who are on the search for help, diet being the chief source of their efforts toward health.

The Erdman Method of treatment has the answer for this condition. Anything that will increase the circulation to the spinal cord will improve the function of the spinal nerves, which, in turn, control the tone of the arteries, intestines, and skeletal and motor muscles.

The use of cool applications along the spine and muscles of the back (regulated by the compressibility--not rate--of the pulse) forces some of this blood into the spinal cord where the nerve cells lie. Therefore the nourishment of the nerve cells is increased. Then stronger nerve impulses will pass over the spinal nerves to the arteries (our first concern), the gastrointestinal tract and the motor and skeletal muscles.

Anything that improves the circulation will help restore vitality to every organ and gland or muscle and nerve tissue.

Erdman Clinic in Pennsylvania uses cool treatments extensively and is highly recommended for severe cases especially those with serious diseases. Visit their web site at Jackson, who worked there many years ago, loved to get babies treated! Usually the shock of coming through the birth canal leaves their arterial tone very "relaxed." She also said, "I LOVE to treat 'colic' babies; the largest artery goes to the stomach."

For those who cannot go to the clinic in Pennsylvania, there is a simple treatment you can do yourself at home and costs absolutely nothing. All you need is an all-metal kitchen knife and the instructions and charts included in this section.

Rate of blood flow
Many diseases have been cured by restoration of the proper flow of blood throughout the system.

Frederick Erdman in his book The Treatment of Low Blood Pressure states, "Why not emphasize the depression in the circulation as being the actual disease instead of giving all the attention to the terminal local tissue changes that must inevitably result from a depressed circulation?"

Many diseases are the result of poor circulation. How can any great progress be made in the prevention of disease if the factor on which one's vitality depends receives so little attention?

All people, regardless of the state of their health and whether or not there are heart complications, can be said to fall into one of four classes, according to the existing tension of the arteries and of the stomach and intestines. It is vital to know which class one is in before trying any physical treatment.

2. Treatment

Class A: Those having a general lack of arterial tone - low blood pressure
Class B: Those having "relaxed" arteries in one or two areas of the spinal cord
Class C: Those who have hypertension
Class D: Those having a normal tone of the arteries

This web site deals with Class A and Class B only.

Treatment for Class A

Take your blood pressure and the rate of your pulse. Observe particularly the amount of pressure required by the finger to obliterate the pulse. This is the most practical test of the compressibility of the arteries.
Blood pressure does not indicate the arterial condition.

"There is one invariable symptom when hypotension is present in any one or all the areas. The right pulse is always compressible. In other words, if the patient has hypertension, the right pulse is always stronger than the left. When there is arterial hypotension, the right pulse is always weaker than the left." Mabel C. Jackson, D.O. in The Control of the Circulation.

Hypotension is an inherited condition but when properly treated is not passed on to the next generation.

STEP 2 - In this step the spine is divided into three sections:
The area from the base of the neck or top of the shoulders down to two inches below the lowest point of the shoulder blades, i.e., the ninth dorsal segment, is classed as the "upper third." This is referred to as the "head area."
The area from the tenth dorsal segment to a line connecting the top of the hips is classed as the "middle third" and relates to the upper torso and arms.
The "lowest third" extends from the line at the top of the hips to the end of the spine and relates to the lower torso and legs.
Some patients need treatment in all these areas, some in two areas, others in only one.

Most patients stay with Class A treatment until their blood pressure is in the normal range, then they work on specifics by proceeding to Class B. Some people go from Class A right to Class D (normal). This stage of diagnosis depends entirely on the compressibility of the pulse

Following are the instructions for using the Class A chart:
There should be a minimum of four minutes between strokes but can be any length of time after that. You can take all day if you need to do so. It will still work.
Repeat as many times per day as necessary to keep your blood pressure in the normal range. In time you will only need to do it once in a while.

After a year or so you may be able to stop altogether. Many people stay normal once they have kept it normal for a period of time.
CONSISTENCY is the key. Never quit completely until you are sure everything is functioning normally.
The blood actually heals the damaged cells in the body.
Also, you may find that many of your disease symptoms will disappear. As your blood heals destroyed cells, your health will also start improving.

Stroke 1: Using the cool handle of a regular metal kitchen knife, stroke lightly downwards (coolness does the work, not pressure!) from the neck to the waist directly on the spine. (If you are doing it by yourself, you may go half way down from the top and then go half way up from the waist. Just make sure you cover the distance from the neck to the waist then wait three or four minutes before doing the next stroke. It is not necessary to undress. Just slide the knife handle down from the top, or up from the waist, next to the skin.)

NOTE: Do NOT refrigerate the knife. That makes the knife too cold and causes the artery to constrict instead of pump. Keep the knife on the kitchen counter or table-top. It should feel cool but not cold enough to cause tensing or shivering.

Stroke 2: Stroke downwards from the neck to bottom of shoulder blades (about 1/2" from spine) on the left side and then finish by stroking downwards (or upwards) on the right side from the bottom of the shoulder blade to the waistline (about 1/2" from the spine).

Stroke 3: Repeat stroke 1.

Stroke 4: The opposite of stroke 2. Stroke downwards from the neck to bottom of shoulder blades on the right side and then finish by stroking downwards (or upwards) on the left side from the shoulder blade to the waist.

Stroke 5: Repeat stroke 1.

Stroke 6: Stroke downwards from the waist to bottom of spine on either side of the spine.

This completes one treatment. Print and post the Class A chart where you can see it to help you remember what to do. Do it regularly for best results.

Treatment for Class B
Following are the instructions for using the Class B chart:

Once you have your blood pressure in the normal range, you can start working specifically on areas of problems with the "relaxed" arterial tone. This treatment is more involved because you have to make a more thorough diagnosis of the problems involved.

Take your blood pressure.

Take your pulse rate from both wrists and compare. If the right pulse is weaker than your left, continue.

If your right pulse is stronger than your left pulse and your blood pressure is normal, your need not proceed further. Just keep using the Class A chart whenever your blood pressure starts to fall. In time (usually 6 to 18 months) it should stabilize and stay normal for long periods of time.

NOTE: You must give yourself TIME to improve circulation, restore cells, correct symptoms. People "degenerate" for years from lack of proper blood supply to the cells. Don't expect to be cured in a few days or weeks.

STEP 3 - Locating the relaxed arteries:
The upper third of your spine is the "head area." You will know when the head area has had enough "cool" strokes. You may get a slight headache, slight cold or sore throat, pressure on the top of the head or congested sinuses. Stop stroking the upper third and those symptoms will clear up.
At this point you will switch to the Class B chart. Your downward strokes will start at the bottom of your shoulder blades.

Follow the chart as you did for Class A, noting that there are only four strokes in Class B. Stay with Class B as long as the compressibility of your pulse rate keeps improving. Class B is for those with problems in their torso or extremities. When you no longer have problems in the upper half of your torso but still have problems in the lower half, then you need to proceed to Class C. There are only two strokes in this diagram.

Treatment for Class C
Following are the instructions for using the
Class C chart:

Series C is for those who have problems below the waistline such as in the bowels and intestines. Just follow the chart for as long as you need help in this area.
It helps tremendously for those with constipation and colitis. Stop using this treatment once things are normal. You can always use this treatment again if problems reoccur.

Constantly check the compressibility of your pulse after each treatment series. When your right pulse becomes the strongest, and your blood pressure is still okay, you are normal and should start feeling better. In many cases, such as with Fibromyalgia, many people are completely healed over a period of time. Be sure to read the enclosed testimonials on this web site.

Consistency is the key. You must keep up the treatment on a regular basis and constantly monitor yourself to catch any negative changes quickly.

Eat well and include alfalfa, iron, calcium and Vitamin C in your diet.

If you have problems or questions, please feel free to contact us at . We would also love to have your testimonial to add to our files. You may email your testimony and include your picture as an attachment or just send both by mail.

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